The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

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The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a youth awards programme founded in the UK in 1956 by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, that now is being delivered in more that 140 countries worldwide. It is an internationally recognised program for young people, building their skills to equip them for life and work. By creating opportunities for young people to develop skills, get physically active, give service and experience adventure, the Award can play a critical role in their development.

Byron College is a certified and licensed Duke of Edinburgh Award Centre that offers the award at Bronze and Silver level to interested students of years 10-13.

Each Participant chooses what activities they want to take part in for each one of the 3 Sections: Skills, Physical Recreation and Voluntary Service. Apart from the requirements for each Section, and the training requirements for the Adventurous Journey Section, the activities a participant chooses to undertake is entirely up to them. They have the freedom to progress through the Award according to their personal needs and abilities.






This year, despite the adverse conditions due to Covid restrictions, Byron DofE participants had the chance to take part in practice trips (at Alsos Syggrou and Parnitha mountain) and the final Adventurous Journey in Tzia. In their final journey they took part in a 2-day hike, challenging themselves and exploring the natural world: flora, fauna, erosion and geology of the island. These trips provided participants with invaluable team building experience and fun!

'The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has allowed me to develop my character in a multitude of ways, improving the vital skill of consistency in what one does as well as of not being too dependent, focused on one certain activity in life. Its activities have allowed me to broaden my horizons especially with my Volunteering activity.', Fotis Year 13.


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'The Duke of Edinburgh Award has opened up a new window of opportunity, collaboration, skill-learning and journeying. I have acquired skills I never thought I would before. From setting up tents to learning about architectural history, this award programme has and continues to feed me a plethora of information and knowledge, which I will forever be grateful for. The expedition has been extraordinary!', John Roy Year 11.


For more information on participating in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Byron College, contact one of the Award Leaders: Ms E. Papadopoulou, Ms A. Voulpioti or Ms U. Wasilewska.

Or visit


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'Taking part in the DofE program has been a great experience!  I have learned new things, started new hobbies and done volunteer work. I really enjoyed our hike and cannot wait for next years events!  I definitely recommend you take part as well!', Ellie Year 11.

'I’ve had the chance to gain new experiences such as volunteering at different animal rescue centers. I also had a lot of fun attending the practice journeys and acquiring a lot of useful survival skills as well as getting to know more people.', Elena Year 13.


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Byron College

Welcome to the website of Byron College - The British International School in Athens. Byron College was founded in 1986 to provide a high-quality British-style education for the international and Greek community in Athens.

Ms Penny Koutsantonis

Managing Director

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