- Diary Entry.
- Non-Chronological report.
Reading Skills
- Class Novel: Holes
Grammar / Punctuation / Spelling
- Noun phrases.
- Pronouns and possessive pronouns.
- Subject & object.
- Subordinating conjunctions & clauses.
- Commas.
- Adverbial phrases.
- Synonyms.
Number: Place Value
- Place value revision.
- Place value up to 10,000,000.
- Rounding to 10, 100, 1000.
Calculation Skills
- Addition & Subtraction – variety of methods; multi-step problems.
- Multiplication and division (4 digit by 2 digit).
- Multiples, factors and prime numbers.
- Solving problems involving multiplication, addition and subtraction.
- Estimating.
Evolution & Inheritance
- Living and non-living things.
- Classification.
- Inheritance.
- Natural selection.
- Evolution.
- Adaptation.
Human Senses
- Name and count body parts.
- Classify animals and identify similarities and differences.
- Learn about the senses.
Google suite
- Docs, Sheets & Slides.
Google sheets
- Number operations.
- Calculations.
- Ordering and presenting.
- Ancient African kingdoms.
- Triangular slave trade.
- Human impact of the slave trade.
Our Changing World
- Features of Earth,
- Time Zones,
- Lines of Latitude and Longitude,
- Scale and distance on a map.
Adv:Reading: Develop reading comprehension skills (prediction, inference, retrieval), Writing: Sequence key events using adverbs and time connectives, Grammar: Revision of all tenses, root words and prefixes, Spelling:Topic vocabulary
Int: Consolidating basic language structures and being able to talk about the Weather (weather, months, seasons, clothes, activities).
Beg.: Consolidating basic language structures and being able to talk about Things I do (Free time in 1st person), time and daily routine, παίζω/κάνω/πηγαίνω+hobbies).
Greek Culture
- Facts about Greece.
- Language.
- Everyday life.
- Landmarks.
Listening, Evaluating and Playing
- Evaluating music through anthropological aspects
- Writing and reading musical notation with accuracy.
- Developing advanced musical vocabulary
- Practicing on musical rhythms and keeping a steady beat.
- Performing a musical piece while paying attention on speed and synchronization.
Art & Design
Color Theory
- tints, tones and shades.
Featured artists:
- Alma Thomas.
Establishing the Learning Environment
- Ball Skills / Invasion
Invasion Games and adaptive practice:
- Dribbling, Striking, Kicking (Football 3 Wks Basketball 3 Wks).
Relationships: Digital Wellbeing
- Looking after ourselves online.
- Ethics: Right or wrong?
- Moral Dilemmas.
- World Philosophy day preparations.
- Introduction to British Parliamentary style debate.
Revision: Present myself, describing people, saying the date, name school material. Topics: Talk about daily activities, house chores.
Grammar: Present tense, Regular verbs, Language Skills: Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation and use new vocabulary and phrases.