- Narrative- Stories which raise issues
- Persuasive writing
Reading Skills
- Consider how authors have created atmosphere through illustrations and word choice
- Class Novel: Global
Grammar / Punctuation / Spelling
- Write cohesive paragraphs
- Parenthesis (including brackets)
- Possessive plural apostrophes
- Multiplication and Division
- Fractions
Calculation Skills
- Multiplication and Division using efficient mental and formal methods
- Multiplication of integers by fractions
- Solve problems relating to real life, including missing number problems; investigations based on open questions
Earth and Space:
- The Solar System
Properties and changes of materials:
- Separating mixtures
- Reversible and irreversible changes
- Build on their previous knowledge of SCRATCH
- Use an increasing range of features in their programming skills
- Plan, code and create computer games
Dynamic Dynasties
- Silk Road
- Changes that it brought to China and the western world
Groundbreaking Greeks:
- Minoan and Mycenaean Civilizations
Geographical Skills – Sow, Grow and Farm
- Describe in detail the different types of agricultural land use in the UK and in Greece
- Allotment habitats
Advanced.:Reading: Develop reading comprehension skills, read non-fiction texts to discuss daily life and road safety. Writing:Write a persuasive formal letter. Grammar: Use of simple future tense, introduction to indicative, subjunctive, imperative. Spelling: topic vocabulary, high frequency words, verbs ending with αίνω, εύω, ίζω.
Beg./Int.: Being able to talk about the topic My Home (rooms, furniture, appliances, in house activities). NB: Intermediates work with extended vocabulary and more complex structures.
Greek Culture
Ancient Greek Plays:
- The Story of Odysseus, The Story of Atalanta, The Story of Daedalus and Icarus.
- Greek Easter Traditions
- Developing a knowledge on more rhythmic elements (Quavers, Semiquavers, Dotted notes)
- Working on different time signatures (2/2, 4/4, 3/4)
- Adding rest values on a musical piece
- C+ Scale (Ascending and descending)
- Expanding the musical repertoire on other traditions (Chinese Traditional music) and their instruments (Guzheng, Erhu)
Art & Design
Mixed Media
- paper crafting
- fabric crumb
- Featured Artist: Kurt Schwitters.
Physical development
- Throwing & catching through adapted versions of invasion games, such as handball/netball/ultimate Frisbee
Cognitive development
- Working as a team
- Offensive and defensive concepts
Living in the wider world: Diverse World
Explore values, such as democracy and liberty, different people’s experiences of living in Greece, and how important it is to show everyone in society tolerance and respect.
- Freedom ( speech, movement,thought, expression)
- Fairness
- Equality/Rights
- Dates
- My family
- Animals
- Parts of the body
Grammar: Present tense;regular verbs