Twinkl Phonics
- Revision of phases taught in Year 1 (Youtube Link)
- Decoding strategies, gaining fluency and comprehension.
- Vowels and consonants.
- Nouns and verbs.
- Punctuation of simple sentence.
- Poetry & Poster Design.
- Formation and handwriting.
Number: Pace Value
- Number Place Value to 10, 20 and 100.
- Partitioning and numbers on a number line.
- Comparing numbers.
- Counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
Shapes: 2D shapes
- Introduction to 2D shapes and their properties.
Human survival
- Stages of human development.
- The importance of a healthy lifestyle including nutrition and exercises.
- Good hygiene.
Human Senses
- Name and count body parts.
- Classify animals and identify similarities and differences.
- Learn about the senses.
Online Safety – Children learn about the potential dangers in the online world and what basic steps we all need to take in order to have positive digital experiences.
Basic use of a computer
Travel and Transport
- How transport has changed throughout history.
- The invention of cars, trains and aeroplanes.
- Significant people involved in transport.
Not taught this term.
Adv.:Phonics: Revision of letters, Spelling: Practice common exception words, Grammar:Practice nouns endings -ι,- ο, -η, Reading:Read extracts from stories.
Beg.: Introducing myself, saying how I am, countries, colors, school life, OXI Day, and stories, rhymes, songs, playground games, crafts relevant to the topics. Letters: Αα-Εε.
Greek Culture
The twelve Gods of Olympus
Greek Seasonal Celebrations and Traditions
Understanding sound and its characteristics
- Listening to various musical instruments
- Identifying musical instruments.
- Exploring sound characteristics, duration, dynamics and pitch.
- Basic Rhythmic elements (Ta, Ti-ti).
Art & Design
Mix It!
- Colour theory and colour wheel.
- Exploring a range of artists and their work, including Paul Klee and Jackson Pollock.
Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)
- Travelling and Movement Concepts.
Ball Skills
- Catching / Throwing
- Kicking Striking with the hand
- Striking with an implement
Living in the wider world
- Rights and responsibilities.
- Classroom rules, needs, groups, communities, roles, taking care of the environment.
How can you help at home?
- Listen to your child read daily and ask questions about what they have read.
- Help your child learn weekly spellings and maths homework.
- Support your child with their termly projects.
- Practise number bonds to 10, 20 and counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
- Ensure your child comes in full school uniform with a water bottle.
- Promote healthy eating by providing healthy snacks.