Please note that in early years, many topics originate from the child’s interest and needs. Therefore, we must have room for flexibility and adaptability. This approach allows us to tailor our educational activities to better engage the children, fostering a more effective and responsive learning environment.
- Welcoming Activities/Settling in Activities/Getting to know our peers and teachers
- Family/Ourselves
- Autumn/Seasons
- Black History
- Child-initiated Topics
Communication & Language
- Introducing ourselves to our peers
- Introducing our areas of the classroom
- Discussion about where we live
- Our class Acorn family
- Introducing our classroom calendar
- Discuss the weather/days of the week/months/seasons
- Exploring and talking about seasonal changes around our school
- Fishing Game with our names (name recognition)
- Copying/tracing/forming with plasticine -our names, forming recognisable letters
- During art activities we write our names with pencil using our name card if necessary
- ORT talking about Kipper’s family
- Learning our good morning song
- Phonics (use of visual aids/songs and different Phonics schemes ideas eg Jolly Phonics songs, Twinkl flashcards)
- How old are we ? Introducing our classroom birthday cake-How many candles do I need if I am 4 ? Youngest-oldest
- Let’s go outside to observe nature and collect items.
- What maths language do we know ?Make comparisons between the natural objects relating to size , length,weight, capacity.
- Sequencing 0-5
- Maths Song 1,2,3,4,5
Introducing numbers
- numicon
- dice/fingers/objects – subitising
- formation on white board.
Physical Development
- Discussion about hygiene, rules with demonstrations
- Visiting our pitch and introducing our PE teachers
- Revise fundamental movement skills, walking rolling, jumping,running,hopping, skipping,climbing
- Fine motor skills: cutting eg spiral snake, using plasticine to make snakes.(roll/elongate/pinch/pull)
Understanding the World
- Alsos Sygrou Trip
- Talk about our own immediate family members
- Name and describe people who are familiar to them
- See online various family pictures.
- Know that there are different countries in the world and talk about the differences they have to Greece
- Play families with small world toys
- Describe what they see, hear and feel whilst outside
- Recognise that people have different beliefs and culture, equally respected with kindness and open-mindedness
Expressive, Arts and Design
- Singing -If you are happy and you know it. Which song is your favourite?
- Making our own Acorn Tree
- Free drawing
- Play families in Wendy house
- Drawing/painting our family
- Tuff Tray activities
- Role-play-creating the rooms of the house with real items from our classroom.Work together as group to create collaboratively, sharing ideas resources and skills