

Twinkl Phonics


  • Vocabulary, Sequencing & Predicting.
  • Oliver Jeffers Fiction.
  • Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales & Traditional Tales.


  • Capital Letters (Word & Sentence Level), Full Stops.


  • Finger Spaces, Letter and Number Formation.


NCETM Numberblocks (Youtube link)

  • Counting to 10
  • ‘Bigger’, ‘Smaller’ & ‘More than’
  • Number composition / Subitising
  • Key Principles of Counting

White Rose Place Value- Number

  • Numbers to 10
  • Making different numbers to 10.
  • Place Value within 10.
  • Addition & Subtraction to 10.


Everyday Materials

  • Identify a range of everyday materials and their sources.
  • Investigate the properties of materials.
  • Recognise that a material’s properties define its use.

Human Senses

  • Name and count body parts.
  • Classify animals and identify similarities and differences.
  • Learn about the senses.


Online Safety: Children learn about the potential dangers in the online world and what basic steps we all need to take in order to have positive digital experiences.

Computer Skills: Children will learn how to type with two hands, use the shift, space and enter key properly, and edit work by using the backspace, delete and arrow keys.

Digital Painting: Children will learn the skills associated with painting pictures on a PC device.


Childhood– ‘Do you think it was better to be a child in the 1950s than today?’

This project teaches children about everyday life and families today, including comparisons with childhood in the 1950s, using artefacts and a range of different sources.


Not taught this term.


Adv: Phonics: A,Η,Ν,Ε,Σ,Κ, blending familiar sounds to form and read short words, enjoy fairy tales in Greek and participate in discussions about the books.

Beg.: Introducing myself, saying how I am, colours, countries, school life, OXI day and stories, rhymes, songs, playground games, crafts relevant to the topics.

Greek Culture

Ancient Greece Heroes and Mythology 1:

  • Greek flag,
  • Goddess Athena.
  • myths – Arachne.
  • Poseidon & her symbols.


Exploring sounds (Listening, Visualizing, Identifying)

  • Listening to various everyday sounds coming from the human environment.
  • Exploring symphonic orchestra musical instruments.
  • Identifying and visualising sounds.
  • Understanding and categorising natural and non-natural sounds.
  • Creating a sound board / Composing sound patterns.

Art & Design

Childhood/1950s (Cross-Curricular link with History)

  • Art- Explore 50’s design (collage/ clothing/ print/ art).
  • DT ( Wheels and Axles)- Design a toy car.
  • DT (Sewing)- Design a toy puppet.
  • Art (Current Events)- Fireworks / Remembrance Day.


Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)

  • Travelling and Movement Concepts

Ball Skills

  • Catching / Throwing
  • Kicking Striking with the hand
  • Striking with an implement


TEAM Children will develop successful collaborative working skills, such as good listening.

How can you help at home?

  • Listen to your child read / Read to your child.
  • Practice counting objects up to 10 (‘I have 6, how many more to make 10?).
  • Ensure your child comes in full school uniform with a water bottle.
  • Promote healthy eating by providing healthy snacks.