
Our Story

Byron College was established in 1986.

The students body is now just over 560. These students come from over 50 different national backgrounds with around 30% being Greek.

The language of instruction is English and students follow progamme of study that is based on the UK National Curriculum a enriched with additional subjects taking into account the Greek context and the philosophy and ethos of Byron College. Given the nature of our student body, we have a strong EAL section, and syllabi are designed to reflect the international character of our students, and our dedication to nurturing future citizens with a sense of responsibility towards the environment and the global challenges that our world faces in the 21st century.

Byron College is one School on one site and all children share the same day and the same school holidays. The school accepts children from the ages of 3 – 18. Part of the school’s unique character is that children across a range of ages can mix safely together; can be involved in joint activity. Our senior students develop a sense of responsibility toward the young alongside their obligation to be community leaders and positive, healthy role models.

During their time with us students from Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to Year 9 follow a broad based curriculum that is based on the UK Key Stage modal and in Year 10 begin a 2-year cycle of study leading to the sitting of IGCSE exams in Year 11. Our Sixth Formers (Years 12 and 13) are prepared for university and college entrance through the dedicated teaching of AS and A-Level GCE subjects.

Formal qualifications are obtained at the school via the following examination bodies:

  1. International General Certificate of Secondary Education (Years 10 and 11)
  2. AS and A-Level General Certificate of Education Exams (Years 12 and 13)

These qualifications are awarded by:

  • Edexcel Examinations Board
  • University of Cambridge International Examinations Board

In addition, Byron students can also enter for the Ellinomathia examination.