Autumn 1 (Sept – Oct)Autumn 2 (Nov – Dec)Spring 1 (Jan – Feb)Spring 2 (Mar – Apr)Summer (May – Jun)
Topic TitleGetting the Energy your Body Needs.Looking at Plants and Ecosystems.Explaining Physical Changes.Exploring Contact and Non-Contact Forces.Magnetism and Electricity.
Explaining Physical Changes.Explaining Chemical Changes.
Key Skills and Content•   The skeleton.•   Healthy plants: Survival and Growth.•    Using the particle model to explain properties, and physical or chemical changes.•     Gravity and space travel.•     How magnets work.
•   Muscles.•   Food chains & relationships in the environment.•    Acids, alkalis, indicators and reactions.•     Electrostatic and magnetic forces.•     Electromagnets.
•   Aerobic respiration.•   States of matter & the particle model.•    Combustion.•     Pressure, floating and sinking.•     Explaining electric circuits.
•   Anaerobic respiration.•     Series and parallel circuits.
SummativeCombination of:Combination of:Combination of:Combination of:End of year cumulative test
AssessmentEnd of unit testEnd of unit testEnd of unit testEnd of unit test
and half-term Projectand half-term Projectand half-term Projectand half-term Project