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Topic Title | | Listening, Reading, Composing Music | Appreciating music through Anthropology | Reading, singing and performing using other Musical Notation systems | Composing music using digital technology |
Key Skills and Content | | • Listening to key musical works | • Understanding anthropology of music | • Approaching music through the characteristics and the technical elements of genres | • Exploring musical works created using digital technology |
• Observing generic differences in texture, style and structure | • Discovering the impact of music in mass media | • Observing contemporary musical notation systems through Iannis Xenakis’s works | • Building a repertoire |
• Becoming familiar with advanced musical terminology | • Exploring appearance, image and stereotypes in musical genres | • Creating graphic designs as musical notation and performing these solo and in ensembles | • Researching digital platforms and its features |
• Synchronising music and image through animation | • Analysing and writing lyrics on a given topic | • Improvising on various musical notation systems | • Composing music while combining rhythmic and melodic elements |
• Discovering the relationship between sound and colour using digital tools (Wassily Kandinsky) | • Presenting anthropological issues related to social roles and identities in music | • Exploring the relationship between the notation of Byzantine music and Maths while singing | • Recording vocal parts |
• Appreciating the achievements of singers and musicians (Black History month) | • Observing the impact of social media in the modern music industry and comparing it to previous decades | | • Writing lyrics on a given theme |
| | | • Creating a song synchronising rhythm, melody and singing using a digital composition platform |
| | | • Collaborating with other groups and presenting work to each other |
Summative | | BASELINE ASSESSMENT | “I want to break free”, Queen: Pupils express their interpretation of the music video and its meaning regarding gender, roles, and identity. Also, they write lyrics inspired by the song. | Pupils practise on a musical piece reading contemporary musical notation and perform it after rehearsals. Attention should be given to the ability to use texture and musical expression as accurately as possible. | In small groups pupils compose a song using digital technology and present it in class, as the result of learning how to use the features of a music platform. |
Assessment | Pupils make a research and present in class their favourite singer/musician through social and anthropological aspects of their life and work (Black History month) |