Autumn 1 (Sept-Oct)Autumn 2 (Nov-Dec)Spring 1 (Jan-Feb)Spring 2 (Mar-Apr)
Topic TitleIELTS Trainer Tests 1-2IELTS Trainer Tests 3-4IELTS Trainer Tests 5-6Exam Practice & Revision
Key Skills and Content•     Listening Section 1 (numbers and letters)•    Writing Task 2 (presenting solutions to a problem)•    Reading Text 2 (summarising and classifying a text)•    Practising exam techniques with past papers
•     Speaking Part 1 (introduction and interview)•    Reading Text 3 (skimming and scanning, sentence completion, true/false/not given, classifying)•    Writing Task 1 (describing changes in maps)
•     Reading Text 1 (matching headings to paragraphs, true/false/not given, choosing items from a list)•    Listening Section 3 (multiple choice, completing a text, matching)•    Listening Section 1 (completing notes)
•     Writing Task 1 (line graphs)•    Speaking Part 3 (Two-way discussion)•    Reading Text 3 (summary completion, choosing items from a list, completing a flowchart)
•     Listening Section 2 (multiple choice, table completion, multiple matching)•    Reading Text 1 (matching information, true/false/not given, short answer questions)•    Listening: Section 2 (sentence completion, multiple matching)
•     Speaking Part 2 (individual long run)•    Listening Section 4 (multiple choice, completing notes, map labelling)•    Writing Task 1(future projections)
•     Reading Text 2 (sentence completion, true/false/not given, classifying)•    Listening Section 1 (completing a form)•    Speaking Part 1 (developing ideas)
•     Reading Text 3 (matching headings)•    Listening Section 4 (multiple choice, choosing items from a list)
•     Writing Task 1 (pie charts)
Summative AssessmentTeacher choice of assessment including practising all components of the testTeacher choice of assessment including practising all components of the testTeacher choice of assessment including practising all components of the test