Topic Title | Unit 1: Dare to Scare | Unit 2: Relationships | Unit 3: Exploring Difference | Unit 4: My Life, My Choices | Unit 5: Young Entrepreneurs |
Key Skills and Content | • Analysing themes and motifs in horror stories | • Exploring the use of figurative language | • Identifying writing techniques | • Exploring the use of persuasive device in campaign texts | • Using inference in non-fiction texts |
• Analysing how language can create tension | • Analysing imagery | • Experimenting with structure and characterisation | • Exploring arguments and counter-arguments | • Exploring and developing ideas in group discussion |
• Using inference to explore characterisation | • Exploring setting and dialogue | • Evaluating the author’s purpose and use of extended metaphors | • Evaluating the effects of expert opinion and emotive language | • Using specialist terminology in business concepts |
• Exploring thematic elements in psychological horror stories | • Understanding spoken language | • Exploring thematic elements in poetry | • Using role-play to explore complex issues | • Using formality depending on audience and context |
• Comparing graphic with psychological horror | • Exploring repetition and diversity of imagery | • Writing an essay on Lord of the Flies | • Understanding the effects of structural and grammatical devices | • Summarising and presenting information |
• Writing a horror story | • Comparing texts written in the same literary tradition | | • Exploring the use of facts and opinions in reviews | • Using verbal and non-verbal techniques |
| • Writing a poem | | • Writing a feature article | • Preparing and rehearsing a pitch |
| | | | • Writing an extended storyboard |
Summative | Teacher choice of assessment including writing sales pitches, psychological horror stories, and reports | Teacher choice of assessment including scripting scenes, writing elegies and extended comparisons of sonnets | Teacher choice of assessment including writing extended monologues, creative pieces, and analytical paragraphs | Teacher choice of assessment including writing emails, feature articles, and scripting scenes | Teacher choice of assessment including wanted adverts and storyboards |
Assessment |
Yr 9 Language projects | Horror movie posters | Art piece promotions | Foundation creations | Start-up designs | Social media designs |