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Topic Title | Unit 1: It’s a Mystery | Unit 2: Words of War | Unit 3: Appearance & Reality | Unit 4: Technology | Unit 5: Campaign for a cause |
matters |
Key Skills and Content | • Analysing elements of the mystery genre | • Understanding historical context | • Interpreting character and setting | • Analysing descriptive devices | • Using listening and questioning skills to research and develop material |
• Structuring a mystery story | • Exploring the powerful effect of literary features | • Exploring the role of unreliable narrators | • Exploring presentational devices on webpages | • Identifying reliable information |
• Exploring characterisation in mystery extracts | • Appreciating the use of editing skills in informative texts | • Investigating the use of extended metaphors | • Expressing viewpoint in formal letter writing | • Exploring formal reports |
• Using role-play to explore setting | • Identifying euphemism and irony in poetry | • Considering forms of wordplay to create humour | • Structuring a presentation | • Comparing presentational and language devices |
• Writing a mystery story | • Analysing the effects of thematic elements | • Exploring deception and mistaken identity | | • Understanding persuasive devices in fundraising appeals |
| • Considering the effects of rhyme and imagery | | | • Considering the effects of rhetorical features |
| • Writing a war poem | | | • Planning and writing a lobby |
Summative Assessment | Teacher choice of assessment including writing monologues and effective mystery stories | Teacher choice of assessment including writing war poems and reports | Teacher choice of assessment including writing analytical essays | Teacher choice of assessment including producing compelling speeches | Teacher choice of assessment including promoting worthy causes |
Yr 8 Language Projects | Crime scene games | Class poetry anthologies | Funky disguises for a secret identity | Powerful speeches | Banner lobby designs |