Autumn 1 (Sept – Oct)Autumn 2 (Nov – Dec)Spring 1 (Jan – Feb)Spring 2 (Mar – Apr)Summer (May – Jun)
Topic TitleCoordination, Response and HomeostasisReproduction in Plants and AnimalsInheritance and EvolutionHuman Influence on ecosystems Revision
Organisms and their EnvironmentBiotechnology
Key Skills and Content -nervous control in humans-asexual and sexual reproduction-chromosomes and cell division-human pressure on ecosystems-Exam technique and practice
(Core)-hormones-sexual reproduction in flowering plants - inheriting genes -conservation -Revision skills and activities
-tropisms in plants-the human reproductive system-natural selection-biotechnology
-excretion-STDs-genetic modificationCore students work on core papers
-homeostasis-food chains and webs
-energy flow
-nutrient cycles
Differentiation for Extended- synapses-diploid/haploid-mitosis / meiosis-IVF, AI
- rods & cones-advantages and disadvantages of asexual & sexual reproduction.- codominance -Reasons for conservation programmes and ways to conserve speciesExtended students work on extended papers
-adjusting the eye focus- self & cross pollination(blood groups)-eutrophication
-auxin- hormones of the placenta-test crossing -Fermentation and fermenters
-production of urea-menstrual cycle-sex linkage-Advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified crops
-diabetes-genes and protein synthesis
-T control and the skin-adaptations in plants
-natural selection vs selective breeding
- analysis of food chains and energy flow
-nitrogen cycle
-limiting factors of population growth
Summative Assessment-Practice Exam (taken from past exam papers)-Practice Exam (taken from past exam papers)-Practice Exam (taken from past exam papers)-Practice Exam (taken from past exam papers)Practice on all papers in preparation for final examination
and individual tests on every subtopicand individual tests on every subtopicand individual tests on every subtopicand individual tests on every subtopic
-Group/individual projects on various topics suggested in the book-Group/individual projects on various topics suggested in the book-Group/individual projects on various topics suggested in the book-Group/individual projects on various topics suggested in the book