Autumn 1 (Sept – Oct)Autumn 2 (Nov – Dec)Spring 1 (Jan – Feb)Spring 2 (Mar – Apr)Summer (May – Jun)
Topic TitleCells and cell ProcessesAnimal NutritionPlant Nutrition and TransportRespiration and Human Transport SystemDiseases and Immunity
Key Skills and Content (Core)- Characteristics of living organisms.-Nutrients-Photosynthesis and chlorophyll-Human heart, blood, circulatory system.-Transmission of pathogens
-Cell structure and levels of organisation-Balanced Diet -Leaf structure.- Gas exchange in humans-Covid-19
-Movement in and out of cells-Human Alimentary canal and digestion -Nutrients in plants- Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
-Biological molecules- Xylem and phloem
-Enzymes- Transpiration
- Root hair cells
Key Skills and Content (Extended)-The five kingdoms-Enzymes in the human digestive system- Explain the equation of photosynthesis- Double vs single circulation-Cholera
-Viruses-Villi - Limiting factors of photosynthesis- Valves and muscle thickness in heart- The immune response
-Magnification calculations- Lignin-How the heart beats-Vaccination
-Water potential-Transpiration pull-Vessel structure in detail
-Carrier proteins- Analyse factors affecting transpiration rate and water absorption-Blood clotting
-The structure of DNA-Translocation-Contents of plasma
-Explain the effect of T and pH on enzymes- Breathing movements
-Exercise and breathing rate
Summative-Practice Exam (taken from past exam papers)-Practice Exam (taken from past exam papers)-Practice Exam (taken from past exam papers)-Practice Exam (taken from past exam papers)-Practice Exam (taken from past exam papers)
Assessmentand individual tests on every subtopicand individual tests on every subtopicand individual tests on every subtopicand individual tests on every subtopicand individual tests on every subtopic
-Group/individual projects on various topics suggested in the book-Group/individual projects on various topics suggested in the book-Group/individual projects on various topics suggested in the book-Group/individual projects on various topics suggested in the book-Group/individual projects on various topics suggested in the book