Autumn SpringSummer
TopicComponent 1: Personal PortfolioComponent 2: Externally Set AssignmentComponent 2 : Timed Exam & Portfolio Submission
Key Skills and Content●   Creating a photographic essay using new visual source material●    Using sources to generate different thematic approaches to set topic●  Ten-hour timed exam
●   Using criticality and AOs to review and refine Y10 portfolio●    Using site visits and photography to collect new visual and other source material●  Final piece display and documentation
●   Selecting an artist relevant to own topic and creating a response piece●    Referencing other artists’ work and concepts to draw links to set topic●  Writing an evaluation for the timed exam piece pinpointing key concepts and demonstrating critical thinking
●   Using a museum visit to research and draw links to own topic●    Developing response artwork to other artists’ work ●   Final digital portfolio submission
●   Creating sets of development studies to test final piece ideas●    Using drawing and sketching as recording tools to collect and develop own ideas on set task
●   Working with 2D media to develop line, tone and colour ●    Exploring digital media tools to develop source material
●   Working with 3D media to develop shape, form and texture ●    Using painting media to explore colour, tone and texture
●   Using artists’ research and set visits to enrich final piece ideas●    Exploring printing techniques to develop patterns
●   MOCK: producing a single refined artwork under timed-conditions to practise time management●    Using 3D materials to develop sculptural shape, form and negative space
●   Drafting a final piece plan ●    Applying the AOs to critically review portfolio
●   Producing preparatory works to aid final piece development●   Drafting a set exam plan 
●   Final piece execution●   Developing preparatory studies to prepare for the set exam
●   Displaying and documenting the final piece●    Using the AOs to self and peer assess Component 2 portfolio prior to submission
●   Writing an evaluation demonstrating terminology and critical thinking●    Final digital portfolio review
●   Using the AOs to self and peer assess Component 1 portfolio prior to submission
Summative AssessmentA student’s Personal Portfolio of work must show evidence of all four interrelated Assessment Objectives. Students must therefore holistically show that they:
1)      Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources (AO1)
2)      Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes (AO2)
3)      Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses (AO3)
4)      Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language (AO4).